

Like all the electrical instrument, your RO water purifier also needs periodic maintenance service because it not only increases the durability.

Like all the electrical instrument, your RO water purifier also needs periodic maintenance service because it not only increases the durability but also increases the efficiency of the water purifier. There are various kinds of water purifier Like(RO) AMC plan which offer multiple services. Here you can purchase customized AMC plans at nearly low cost. The water purifier contains complex spare parts which need a professional hand, and we have a team of expert service engineers; thus, we offer you this facility at your doorsteps. Therefore buy customized AMC plans at a lower price than the parental company.

AMC Plan 1 AMC Plan 2 AMC Plan 3 AMC Plan 4 AMC Plan 5 AMC Plan 6
Electrical Parts
Faulty Parts

Free Installation on Every Purchase Free Service

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+91-9899456342, +91-8057475292